Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yet Another Surprise

So first this baby surprised us when we found out that he was actually a he and not a she like they had originally told us. We should have known then that there would be many more surprises to come. The day after my due date, I went in for my non-stress test. After lying on the table strapped to the heart rate monitor for 40 minutes while our little guy snoozed away instead of moving around like they wanted him to, we went in for an ultrasound to check fluids and to get an estimated size of the babe. We had anticipated all along that this kiddo was going to weigh in at a reasonable size of approximately 7lbs 10oz - our doctor's guess based on feeling my baby bump. At the end of the exam, the ultrasound tech announced to us that she was measuring him to be about 10lbs 3oz! Ben and I both thought she was making a joke and didn't really react at first, but when she started to make her way out the door to inform the doctor, I stopped her and said, "Wait, are you serious?" The doctor couldn't believe it either and called in for a second opinion, which only confirmed again that our little guy may not be as little as we had thought. Ben took this picture of me while we were waiting for the doctor to come and talk to us about this latest revelation. One thing is for sure, this kid is definitely making sure that we stay flexible. I can't wait to see what surprise he has for us next!

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