Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hanging Out at Home

Sometimes in the morning, I like to lounge in my pj's and watch a show on the computer

I also like to sit on Peanut while he is trying to take a nap.  See how happy Peanut is?

I love reclining in my Boppy!

What do people think?  Am I getting too big for this carrier?
Your feet are supposed to hang out, right?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

5 Months

The latest pics of Andon as a 5 month old. He has pretty much mastered the art of sitting up on his own, although he still has a pillow spotter just incase.  He can roll from his back to his belly too!  Lots of cool things happening this month!

We started introducing some veggies this month, which so far has gone well. He seems to be a pretty good far.  We're keeping our fingers crossed on that one.

It has been great having this awesome spring weather.  We've been able to explore the yard, take Peanut for walks every day, and even test out the jogging stroller.

And, Peanut heeds that wise old adage to "Sleep when the baby sleeps."

Monday, March 5, 2012

A sad day.

It's a sad day when you realize your 4 1/2 month old son is already much cooler then you.

This and that.

Chelsea discovers how nice it is to put Andon in his little carrier and have two free arms to accomplish tasks.  Andon is also pretty satisfied being strapped to his mom.
Quite a milestone, EATING SOLIDS!!!  Well kind of solid and he is kind of eating it.
He much prefers to eat his toys and really anything else that fits in his mouth.